Here's a collection of things I've been working on. Most of these are things I've worked on since finishing school, trying to learn programming fundamentals.

This site is a bit of a project itself, trying to see what basic HTML, CSS and vanilla Javascript can get you. Here are some in-browser toys I've thrown together that I wouldn't really consider their own standalone projects. These are all written in JavaScript and WebGL. I've put together my own little WebGL library, and these toys have been really useful exercises for learning how to program the GPU; obviously in a graphical sense, but also more general purpose, see the Game of Life . A fluid simulation will be my next GPGPU project on here. I've also been writing a game engine of sorts in C/C++ using OpenGL, but I'm not entirely ready to show that off yet.

Read on for things that warrant their own repo.

RISC-V Interpreter and Computer Architecture Simulator

This was the final project for the computer architecture course I took in my last semester of school, which was really influential on me. I would link to the code if it wasn't going to be reused in future semesters.

The goal of the project was to write a program that simulated an out-of-order (OoO), speculative CPU with branch prediction and register renaming. The simulator would read in a configuration parameterizing the CPU, as well as a program describing the initial state of the CPU's memory and a program written in a subset of RISC-V assembly. Our simulator would interpret the program and output the execution time in number of cycles, as well as report bottlenecks in the execution pipeline, as measured by where it was necessary to issue no-ops to stall processing.

To increase performance, modern CPUs use pipelined OoO execution. Pipelining is a form of parallelism achieved by having different processing steps occur simultaneously for different instructions. For example, in one CPU cycle, an add instruction might be executing the addition operation while the next instruction is getting fetched. That way, the CPU's add unit and fetch unit are both utilized, instead of waiting for each other, even though their results are unrelated.

OoO execution is another optimization that allows instructions to execute when their data is ready, as opposed to when it is their turn in program order. For example, maybe you want to add a and b. First you'd load them into registers, and then in a third instruction you'd add them. But maybe your program loads a and b, but then immediately after also loads c and d, which are unrelated to the a+b intruction. An OoO processor can execute a+b as soon as a and b are ready, even if that might be before c and d are loaded, as per program order.

OoO execution and pipelining obviously introduce concerns about program correctness. These issues are called hazards, and come in three flavors: write after write (WAW), write after read (WAR), and read after write (RAW). A RAW hazard is a true data dependence; a register is written to, and then afterwards, a subsequent instruction reads the result. WAWs occur when two instructions write to the same register; if the writes occur out of order, thereafter, the register contains the wrong value. In the WAR case, a write to a register occurs after a read; if these are out of order, the read value will prematurely read a value that should not yet have been there.

These hazards only exist because a register is at risk of being written to before it ought to be. This issue wouldn't exist if we had an infinitely large register file to use, and only wrote to a register once. This motivates a technique called register renaming. The processor has a limited number of physical registers, while a compiler can output code using any number of "architected" registers. The processor keeps a mapping of its physical registers to the compiler's architected registers, as well as a free list of registers that do not currently contain a live architected register's value. When an architected register is written to, it gets assigned a new free physical register. This allows the processor to maintain an appearance of only writing to unused registers, despite its finite register file.

The real complication in the processor was the use of branch prediction along with OoO speculative execution. Branch instructions in the program are assigned a branch predictor, a state machine describing if the branch is likely to be taken or not; it's possible that this prediction is incorrect.

Since the processor is pipelined and executing out of order, it fetches a branch instruction and guesses what comes next, and actually continues updating its state with results that might become void if it turns out its branch prediction was wrong.

Between processing results and writing to the register file, results are stored in the ReOrder Buffer (ROB). The ROB is a queue that literally re-applies order to instructions; when instructions are fetched, they get stored in buffers called reservation stations, where they wait for their operands. This is what allows them to execute when ready, as opposed to when its their turn in program order. And importantly, this is where they actually begin to become disordered. Before OoO execution, instructions get tagged in an entry in the ROB. When an instruction's result is ready, it gets written to its corresponding ROB entry, and marked as ready to commit to the register file. If a result makes it to the front of the queue and is tagged as ready, it was truly supposed to execute, it had the correct operands, and will get written to the register. If an incorrectly predicted branch instruction makes it to the front of the queue, the processor can flush its state, correct its program counter, and restart execution from where it should have gone.

There's some extra bookkeeping in the register file and those reservation stations that I won't go into here, but that's the high level overview a semester of computer architecture. Extensions to the project would be to include a more sophisticated memory model for caches, paging, and multicore coherency.


Miniclang is a C compiler I've been working on in an effort to learn about compilers. See the source and readme here for more details.

This project hit a bit of a wall once I got to code generation. I originally planned on targeting LLVM, hence the name. But my goal wasn't exactly to learn an LLVM API, and I didn't want to get hung up on accurately emitting my own SSA form assembly. When this project resumes, I'll probably target a specific assembly dialect.

HTTP Server

To get some experience with C system calls and learn about HTTP, I've been writing this multithreaded HTTP server. See the source and readme here for more details.