Some toys
- A GPU implementation of
Conway's Game of Life. You can set the board as
you like, and then that gets buffered to a texture. That
textured "image" is processed using a 3x3 kernel to determine
if what cells are alive or dead in the next iteration, and the
updated board is rendered to another texture, as well as to the
screen. Those two textures go back and forth for the rest of
the simulation.
- A Mandelbrot Set
implementation. A first pass uses some functional programming
in vanilla JavaScript to get a correct Mandelbrot set up on a
canvas. With that complete, a real explorer is implemented in
WebGL using a fragment shader. This is both my first exposure
to JavaScript and to shader art, I guess.
Some simple geometry exercises.
Here I try to lump in as many graphics fundamentals as I can
into a light emitting sphere orbiting another sphere. Doing
this in JS without libraries like GLM, this has been a good
opportunity to really understand how the transformations
used in graphics work.
- Pong Clone
A simple pong clone. A first foray into collision detection and
some minimal game state. Enjoy.